Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbots, like ChatGPT, are being used for a wide range of applications that require natural language processing and text-based conversation. These chatbots can be used as virtual assistants for language translation, content creation, educational resources, complex problem solving, and even help you write codes. Many educational institutions have prohibited the use of AI bots in order to prevent plagiarism or cheating. 

However, with the increased penetration of AI tools in online space, it can be difficult to detect if something is written by a human or a bot. To check how capable AI bots are, we asked four different AI bots including ChatGPT to write a small essay. We ran those essays on Writer's 'AI Content Detector', an online tool that helps in detecting GPT-3 articles. 

Here are the results:


First, we asked ChatGPT to write a 100-word essay on India, Here is what it wrote: 

India is a diverse and vibrant country located in South Asia, known for its rich history, culture, and traditions. With a population of over 1.3 billion, India is the world's second-most populous country. It is a land of contrasts, with bustling cities, scenic landscapes, and a wide range of languages, religions, and cuisines.

India's economy is one of the fastest-growing in the world, driven by sectors such as information technology, agriculture, and services. However, the country also faces numerous challenges, including poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation.

Despite its challenges, India remains a country of immense beauty and cultural richness, with a long and fascinating history that continues to influence its present and shape its future.

Next, we ran the same article through Writer’s AI Content Detector and it showed that the article had only 20 per cent human-generated content.


We did the same with Writesonic’s AI bot ChatSonic. Here is what ChatSonic wrote:

India is a country of vast diversity, with people from multiple religions, cultures, and backgrounds living under one roof. It is a land that has seen both great prosperity and immense struggle, but has always found the strength to rise above it all. 

India is home to some of the most impressive architecture and ancient ruins, along with modern cities and cutting-edge technology. The country also has some of the most stunning scenery in the world, from the snow-capped Himalayas to the lush green hills of the south.

India's culture is rich and vibrant, full of unique festivals, customs, and celebrations. From the Taj Mahal to the Golden Temple, India has many sacred and holy sites, which attract millions of spiritual tourists every year. 

India is a country with a complex history, but that history has helped shape the country into the vibrant, diverse, and progressive nation it is today. Despite its current struggles, India has a bright future ahead of it, and its people will continue to strive for success and progress

According to Writer’s AI Content Detector, this article had only 26 per cent human-generated content.


Another AI bot we tested was the search engine’s chatbot YouChat. Here is YouChat's 100-word essay on India:

India is a country of immense diversity, with a rich cultural heritage spanning centuries. There are over 22 official languages, and over 1.2 billion people living in the country. India is a leader in the fields of science and technology, with a number of world-class institutions and universities. It is also a major economic power, with a vast and growing service sector. India is a vibrant democracy, with a vibrant civil society and a vibrant media landscape. As the world's largest democracy, India is a source of inspiration for many around the world. India is a beacon of hope, a symbol of progress and a source of strength in a world of uncertainty.

Interestingly, Writer’s AI Content Detector said that YauChat’s essay had zero per cent human-generated content. 


The next bot we put through this test was NeevaAI, a chatbot by the Neeva search engine which combines the strength of ChatGPT and other large language models. Here is what NeevaAI wrote: 

India is a country with a rich history and culture, having been under British rule until 1947.1 It is known for its unique traditions and cultures, and its citizens are known for their politeness and understanding.1 The education system in India is based on a holistic approach to learning, providing equal educational opportunities to everyone, emphasizing a wholesome curriculum, and incorporating educational technologies to make learning a fun and interactive process.23

According to Writer’s AI Content Detector, only seven per cent of the content generated by NeevaAI was human-generated.


VERDICT: So, as per the results, ChatSonic is the better AI option when it comes to generating articles. Still, at only 26 per cent originality, it's still not capable to fool online AI content detectors.

If you wish to find out how to a workaround to dupe online detectors, we have a hack for that as well. Click here to find out. 

Disclaimer: The article majorly includes the responses given by ChatGPT (AI-driven chatbot developed by OpenAI) to various questions/questionnaire and ABP Network Private Limited (‘ABP’) is in no manner liable/responsible for any of such responses. Accordingly, reader discretion is advised.