Handset maker Realme which previously mocked rival Xiaomi for integrating advertisements into its custom Android skin MIUI took Xaiomi's route and started showing ads on its phones starting in December 2019. While both Android smartphone makers have been criticised from time to time for spamming users with ads on their smartphones, now, Apple has apparently taken a leaf out of Realme and Xiaomi's book and will start sneaking in app-related ads in the Apple App Store's main Today tab.

This change is being seen as Apple's attempt to monetise its users' attention and be part of the "growing trend".

According to a report by MacRumors, ads related to apps on the App Store will appear on the Today tab and under the "You Might Also Like" section at the bottom of individual app listings starting Tuesday (October 25), in all countries except China.

The ads appearing in App Store will have a blue background and an "Ad" icon.

"With a Today tab ad, your app can appear prominently on the front page of the App Store — making it some of the first content users see when they begin their App Store visit. The prominence of this placement makes it a good option to drive awareness of your app, especially for new content launches, special events, and seasonal promotions. Note that Today tab ads aren’t currently available on the App Store in mainland China," according to a page on the Apple website on App Store advertisements.

As per the iPhone maker, each Today tab ad is created from a custom product page users set up in the App Store Connect. For this ad placement, the custom product page used must include at least four portrait or five landscape assets.