Renowned actor and founder of Tamizhaga Vetri Kazhagam (TVK), Vijay, continued his tradition of honouring academic excellence by felicitating Class 10 and 12 students who secured top marks. The event is taking place on Friday at a Convention Centre in Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai.

'Thalapathy' Vijay, widely recognized for his philanthropic efforts, has consistently organized such events to encourage young achievers. This year, the celebration drew significant attention, with several glimpses of the actor at the event going viral on social media.

One of the honored students expressed their gratitude, saying, “It’s motivating to me and my family.”

"Thanks for giving me this award. It’s motivating to me and my family,” she said.

During the event, Vijay shared a heartfelt note, addressing the gathered students and their families. He insisted the students to consider becoming a leader. "Don't you want an educated person to become your leader?" he asked.


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Further, he made the students repeat, "Say no to temporary pleasures. Say no to drugs."

Motivating the students, Vijay said, "Success is never-ending. Failure is never final."

According to ANI, Vijay said, "We need good leaders. Leaders in the sense I am not saying politically. Whatever you are doing, you need leadership quality that is what I am saying."

"Even politics should be a career option in future. That is my wish. Do you think with good education leaders should come to politics?" he asked.

Meanwhile, Chinnadurai, a 17-year-old student from Nanguneri, attended the event. Despite enduring brutal injuries in a caste crime that left him hospitalized for months, Chinnadurai achieved an impressive 78% in his higher secondary examination. Actor Vijay also joined him and took a seat next to him.