Chennai: Ahead of passing the Anti-NEET Bill in the special Assembly session convened by Tamil Nadu, the former Health Minister C Vijaya Baskar and present Finance Minister Palanivel Thiyaga Rajan had a heated debate over the legal issues pertaining to NEET. 

In his speech, the former Health Minister said, "The Tamil Nadu Health Minister Ma Subramanian during his speech quoted several court judgments regarding NEET. Hence that brings me to my point where I wanted to convey that this is a legal issue and there are emotions involved so the issue must be dealt properly."

"AIADMK is clear that the issue should be dealt with suggestions from experts in the law. This should not be turned into a political issue," he said. 

Watch | TN Special Assembly Session: காங்கிரஸை வச்சு செஞ்ச விஜயபாஸ்கர்

As a response to the AIADMK leader's speech, Tamil Nadu Finance Minister PTR Palanivel Thiyaga Rajan immediately said, "I want to know if the consultations were not held with experts by AIADMK while the party passed a resolution related to NEET in 2019.”

“If they do the consultations, why wouldn’t we?" he asked.

The Assembly Speaker Appavu immediately intervened and said the suggestion provided by Vijaya Baskar was valid and the suggestion should be taken by the ruling party.

Also Read | Stalin Govt Reintroduces & Passes Anti-NEET Bill In A Day

Further, Vijaya Baskar said, "The word NEET for the first time was brought by Congress in 2010. The system was first notified by the national party."

For this, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin said when an Assembly session was convened and such a Bill was passed and sent to President for his assent, the then AIADMK-led Tamil Nadu government did not even inform that the Bill was resent by the President for a year.