Chennai: Tamil Nadu government announced Rs 1 lakh each to 91 elephant caretakers in two camps in the state from CM Relief Fund. The CM made the announcement after meeting the Oscar-winning 'The Elephant Whisperers' starring caretaker couple Bomman and Bellie from Mudhumalai Tiger Reserve at Chennai.
According to ANI, “TN Govt announces Rs 1 lakh each from CM Relief Fund for all 91 elephant caretakers in the 2 camps in the state,as a token of appreciation. Also allots Rs 9.1 cr to build homes for mahouts. Rs 5 cr allotted to develop 'Elephant Camp' in Anamalai Tiger Reserve.”
“New elephant camp with basic facilities would be built at Coimbatore Chavadi at the cost of Rs 8 cr,” CM Stalin said.
Stalin made the announcement after the documentary 'The Elephant Whisperers', starring caretaker couple Bomman & Bellie from Mudhumalai Tiger Reserve, won the Oscars.
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The CM Stalin honoured the couple who are taking care of the orphaned elephant Raghu which was depicted in the Oscar-Winning 'The Elephant Whisperers' with a shield and a bonnet. The CM also presented them with check for Rs 1 lakh.
Theppakadu Elephant camp now houses 28 elephants who were captured while they were wild tuskers creating problems for local villagers. These jumbos are tamed at this camp and trained to become 'kumki' elephants meant to help in the capture of wild elephants. It was set up in 1917 for timber loggers.
On Tuesday, foreign tourists met the elephants as well as their mahouts.