Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation on Thursday said that the term 'Central Government' would be replaced by the word 'Union Government' in the school textbooks printed by it from the next academic year onwards.

In a statement, the newly appointed Corporation's Chairman Dindigul I. Leoni said today (July 8) that several people in the state are now using the term "Union Government" and when textbooks are printed from the next academic year onwards, it will replace the term "Central Government".

The textbook of students of Class 1 to 12 in the state board are being printed by the Text Book corporation in both English and Tamil languages.

Addressing the Assembly, Chief Minister M.K. Stalin had said that his DMK government would use the term "Union Government" as it had vastly used it in the past also.

Meanwhile, the appointment of Leoni as Corporation Chairman has drawn flak from the opposition with PMK leader and former Union Minister, Anbumani Ramadoss saying, in a tweet, that: "Appointing Dindigul I.Leoni as the Chairman of Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Service Corporation is an insult to the position. Leoni is someone who has constantly made distasteful remarks about women."

Leoni was widely criticised for his purported sexist remarks about women while campaigning for DMK leader Sivasenapathy in Coimbatore during the 2021 Assembly elections.


(News source IANS)