Three petrol bombs were hurled at RSS member MS Krishnan's residence in Tamil Nadu's Madurai district on Saturday evening, said news agency ANI, in a tweet. The incident was captured by CCTV footage. Two bike-borne men approached the leader's house, hurled three petrol bombs, and sped away on the same bike, captured the CCTV footage.

The issue is being probed by the police, Meanwhile, Assistant Commissioner, Shanmugam told ANI, "Three petrol bombs were thrown and we are investigating in this regard. No one was injured and damaged in the accident."

RSS member Krishnan said over 20 RSS workers were attacked in Tamil Nadu so far. "I have been with RSS for the past 45 years. Around 7 pm I heard noise outside. Petrol bombs thrown had put my car to fire. More than 20 RSS workers like me have been attacked in Tamil Nadu alone. We've lodged a complaint regarding it," Krishnan said.

Also read | Tamil Nadu: Petrol Bomb Hurled At RSS Functionary's Residence At Chitlapakkam, 4th Incident In Three Days

"In 2014, police gave me protection to me due to danger to my life but the protection was withdrawn in 2021. We have lodged a complaint with the police regarding the petrol bomb hurled at my house. They assured to arrest accused by tonight," he further said.

Tamil Nadu BJP wrote to Home Minister Amit Shah about the increasing attacks against BJP and RSS workers in the state.

Earlier on Saturday, a petrol bomb was hurled at the residence of another RSS leader in Chennai's Tambaram, said the police. They further said, no person was injured and no major property was damaged.