Chennai: The Chennai police arrested two persons on Wednesday after they allegedly barged into the house of a 35-year-old Tamil actress in Valasarvakkam locality and forced her to strip, before shooting a video of the act.

According to the police, the accused escaped with 10 grams of gold jewellery worth Rs 55,000 after filming the act, Times of India reported.

The police identified the accused as Kannadasan of Maduravoyal and Selvakumar of Ramapuram with the help of CCTV footage, the report said. The police have recovered the stolen jewellery from the arrested accused.

According to the report, the actress who has done various supporting roles in Tamil films heard a knock on her door on Monday. When she opened the door, two miscreants with face masks barged into her home and latched the door from inside. They allegedly threatened her with a knife and ordered her to strip. As she was forced to comply, the other person filmed the act on his mobile phone, the report said.

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Later, the two men allegedly snatched gold jewellery from the actress and fled the place on a two-wheeler.

In a complaint to the police, the actress said that the robbers fled with Rs 50,000 cash and 24 grams of gold. While the quantum of the stolen items was found wrong, the remaining details were right, the report said, quoting the investigating officer.

The police reportedly combed CCTV visuals from the area and narrowed down on the accused.

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