Shahid Kapoor's half-sister Sanah Kapur recently got married to Mayank Pahwa, who is the son of veteran actors Manoj and Seema Pahwa. The couple tied the knot in an intimate day wedding ceremony in Mahabaleshwar and pictures and videos went viral on internet.
Post their dreamy wedding newlyweds- Sanah and Mayank hosted a family dinner at home which was attended by the couple's parents and bride's brother Shahid and his wife Mira.
While Shahid looked dapper in a semi-casual look, Mira looked lovely in a floral saree.
Mayank's mother Seema Pahwa took to social media and shared some pics from the family dinner. The newlyweds were all smiles as they posed with their families. Sanah looked gorgeous in a white dress while Mayank sported a black suit.
Sharing the pictures on social media, Seema Pahwa wrote, "Friends forever." Have a look: