Chennai: In a moving video, a man from Perambalur used his presence of mind to provide first aid and emergency CPR to save an injured monkey and finally retrieve its life in Tamil Nadu. After the video of the incident was released recently several people made the video viral and praised the man for his work on Sunday. 

According to a report on the New Indian Express, 38-year-old Prabhu from Kunnam taluk in Perambalur works as a car driver and on December 9 he went on a trip along with his friend. While on the way, he parked his two-wheeler for rest and found an injured monkey with dog bite marks lying unconsciously on a tree in Othiyam Samathuvapuram in Kunnam taluk. He also saw a pack of dogs standing near the dog and waiting to bite but the monkey became unconscious halfway while climbing the tree.

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Therefore, Prabhu stopped the dogs and took the monkey from the tree. Prabhu then reportedly fed water to the monkey but it failed to respond. So Prabhu took the monkey to provide treatment at a veterinary hospital but on the way the health condition of the monkey started to worsen. The monkey almost lost its breath and soon Prabhu stopped and got off the bike on Perambalur-Ariyalur Road.

He then parked the vehicle and started to pump the heart of the monkey and performed an emergency CPR. He also started to breathe in the mouth of the monkey and it finally regained consciousness. 

Later, Prabhu took the monkey to the hospital. Prabhu then talking to The New Indian Express said that he completed a first-aid training course in Thanjavur in 2010 which helped him save the monkey.