New Delhi: There is no relief in sight as the World Health Organization (WHO) in its latest review said the new Omicron coronavirus strain found in 63 countries will surpass Delta in spreading speed. "As of December 9, 2021, cases of human infections with this variant have been identified in 63 countries across all six WHO regions," read the overview by the WHO, according to Sputnik.

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The reason behind the new variant spreading so fast is still not clear, the organization added. "However, given the current available data, it is likely that Omicron will outpace the Delta variant where community transmission occurs," the document said.

Based on the preliminary data, WHO said the new variant might reduce the effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines, but assumed that this strain is less dangerous than Delta, according to news agency ANI.

"There are limited available data, and no peer-reviewed evidence, on vaccine efficacy or effectiveness to date for Omicron. Preliminary evidence, and the considerably altered antigenic profile of the Omicron spike protein, suggests a reduction in vaccine efficacy against infection and transmission associated with Omicron," the statement said.

With Omicron cases surging in the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said booster jabs will be offered to everyone over 18 in England from this week as he declared an "Omicron emergency". "No one should be in any doubt, there is a tidal wave of Omicron coming," Boris Johnson said in a TV statement on Sunday evening, according to the BBC report.

The target to offer a booster to all adults by the end of January will be brought forward by a month, he said.

He also stressed that some medical appointments may get postponed to focus on booster shots.

Johnson’s statement came hours after the UK's Covid alert level was raised to four due to the spread of the new Omicron virus variant. Level four means a high or rising level of transmission - and the last time the UK was at level four was in May.

"I'm afraid we're now facing an emergency in our battle with the new variant Omicron," said Johnson.

"It is now clear that two doses of vaccine are simply not enough to give the level of protection we all need. But the good news is that our scientists are confident that with a third dose, a booster dose, we can all bring our level of protection back up."