A fire incident occurred on Wednesday morning at Mohan Kumaramangalam Government College and Hospital in Salem. The fire, attributed to an electric short circuit, originated on the first floor of the trauma care ICU and Ortho Post-operative ward of the government hospital. Fortunately, no injuries were reported in the incident, and all patients were promptly relocated to other blocks for their safety.

According to ANI, Salem Collector S Karmegam said, "Today around 8.47 am, due to electrical issues a fire occurred on the first floor of the trauma ICU and Ortho Post-operative ward in Mohan Kumaramngalam Government College and Hospital. Patients in the Trauma and Ortho wards were shifted. "

"The fire service inspected the situation. PWD Electrical and Civil Executive engineers were at the spot to find the cause of electrical issues...I have inspected all the floors and everything is normal and under control. Electrical Inspectors will monitor the situation," he said. 




According to Collector Karmegam, the hospital administration immediately relocated 15 patients from the trauma ICU and 50 patients from the post-orthopaedic operative ward.

The district Collector also spoke with the nearby hospitals including those run by private parties to treat the patients so that services would not be affected.


Upon notification, Sevvapet fire tenders swiftly arrived at the scene and successfully brought the fire under control. Further investigations are underway. 


The fire was first noticed by the doctors and nurses from the operation theatre.