Delhi: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on a 2-day visit to Delhi met Indian National Congress president Sonia Gandhi and Congress MP Rahul Gandhi at Sonia Ganhi's residence at Akbar's Road on Friday. On Thursday, the CM had a 25-miniute meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and had submitted a 25-pointer of demand list to the PM. It is learnt that he has also made a request for a development project in Tamil Nadu. This was his official visit to Delhi after taking over as chief minister.

The meeting of Stalin and Congress top guns was held at Sonia Gandhi's residence at Akbar's residence in Delhi. Congress leaders were optimistic to work along with DMK’s leadership in Tamil Nadu. Senior Leader and Member of Parliament from Wayanad, Rahul Gandhi had taken to twitter the same: "Congress president Sonia Gandhi and I met Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Stalin and Smt. Durgavathy Stalin earlier today and we will work with DMK to build a strong and prosperous state for the Tamil people."

Also Read | CM Stalin Meets PM Modi: Here Is All You Need To Know About Tamil Nadu CM’s 25-Pointer Demand List

Stalin had met the Congress leadership after being sworn in as Chief Minister while the Congress was in alliance with the DMK for the 2021 Tamil Nadu Assembly Elections. MK Stalin's wife Durga Stalin was also present during the meeting.