A counsel on behalf of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin registered a defamation case against TN BJP chief Annamalai on Wednesday. The move comes after Tamil Nadu BJP released 'DMK files' alleging corruption by DMK and DMK-led government in April 2023.
On Tuesday, a petition was moved by city public prosecutor Devaraj on behalf of TN CM.
In the petition filed before the first bench of Chennai civil and principal sessions court, the petitioner had stated that the files 'released' by Annamalai to the press on April 14 are baseless and without any valid proof. The statements made by Annamalai against Stalin were also defaming. The statements are not just false but also tarnish the reputation and fame of the Chief Minister, the petitioner said, as per ABP Nadu.
The petitioner has also pointed out that the allegations without any basic evidence have been made against the Chief Minister who is running good governance in TN.
The petitioner also sought the court to initiate action against Annamalai under the defamation act of IPC.
A Look Into 'DMK Files'
On April 14, Annamalai released 'DMK Files' with allegations against the DMK government led by Chief Minister M.K Stalin. Annamalai claimed that Chief Minister Stalin had accepted money to the tune of Rs 200 crore from an Indo-European company. He also said that the DMK has become a money laundering company and that he would expose all the DMK leaders.
Meanwhile, a delegation of Tamil Nadu BJP leaders also met Governor RN Ravi "seeking an independent forensic audit on the audio file of State Finance Minister P Thiaga Rajan exposing the ill-gotten money amounting to Rs 30,000 Crores through corrupt means by CM MK Stalin's son Udhayanidhi Stalin and son-in-law Sabareesan."