Chennai: Actor D Sivakarthikeyan adopted a lion and female elephant in the Arignar Anna Zoological Park (AAZP), popularly known as Vandalur Zoo in Chennai for about six months. 

According to a Dt next report, the zoological park in a statement said that the actor had adopted a lion named ‘Vishnu’ and a female elephant named ‘Prakrithi’ in the zoo and this symbolizes the actor’s love and passion towards the conservation of lion and elephant. 

Quoting the statement, the report said that by adopting the animals, the actor has voiced for their conservation. The zoological park is one of the largest zoos in South-East Asia and it accommodates 2,452 animals. The adoption programme helps the public to build a close association with animals, the report said. 

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Explaining that the public who wish to adopt animals, could donate money for the feed and maintenance of the animal of their choice, the statement said that the donors could avail benefits like income tax exemption and free visit to the zoo, according to the report. 

The zoological park attacks over 20 lakh visitors annually. The park was closed from April 20 due to the covid-19 pandemic and re-opened on August 25 with all the safety measures in place, the report added.

According to a Times of India report, the actor had adopted a white tiger named ‘Anu’ from the zoological park by taking care of the tiger’s food and other maintenance. When the adoption period had come to an end in 2020, the actor had extended the adoption period by another four months immediately.