Chennai: A 16-year-old boy was arrested in Salem for setting ablaze the home of his grandparents which resulted in the couple burning alive during the wee hours of Monday for reportedly talking ill about their parents. According to a report in ABP Nadu, the deceased people were identified as Raja (75) and Kasiammal (65). 

The couple have three sons and all of them are married and residing in their respective homes. On Monday, the couple Katu Raja and Kasiammal were sleeping in their home and suddenly their hut started burning around 2 am. The people nearby immediately came running to save the couple. However, the home was locked from outside and the fire was spreading uncontrollably. The neighbours also attempted to subside the flames with water but the effort turned futile.

They informed the Athur police who rushed fire tenders to put out the fire. However, after one hour the firefighters put out the fire. 

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When the police opened the door, the couple were found completely incinerated. The police sent the bodies for post-mortem. 

Following this, SP Abinav visited the spot and conducted enquiry among the family members of Katu Raja. In the investigation it was found that the couple's second son Kumar was residing in a home nearby. His 16-year-old son was studying Class 11 in Pethanaickenpalayam. During the questioning, the Class 11 students gave contractionary replies and the police grew suspicious. 

Soon the police started drilling the boy who later confessed to the crime. The police said, Katu Raja's second son Kumar will hit his wife Jayalakshmi everyday under the influence of alcohol despite his son attempting to stop his father. Hence, the son came to a conclusion that his grandparents were responsible for his father's act and since the former spoke ill about his parents he plotted to kill his grandparents under the influence of alcohol. He locked the door of their home and set the home along with his grandparents on fire. 

(With inputs from ABP Nadu — It is a Tamil platform of ABP News. For more news, commentary and latest happenings from Tamil Nadu, follow