Chennai: Taking notes of the interim report submitted by retired justice Aruna Jagadeesan, Tamil Nadu CM M.K. Stalin ordered to withdraw 38 cases against politicians allegedly involved in Thoothukoodi Sterlite violence.

Taking a quick note on Justice (Retired) Aruna Jagadeesan's interim report, The Chief Minister has passed the order to withdraw cases against political leaders in connection with the 2018 Thoothukoodi anti-Sterlite protests. 13 people were killed in police firing during a protest at the Sterlite plant in Thoothukudi. Many were seriously injured and many public properties were damaged. The protesters were marching against Sterlite copper smelter run by Vedanta Resources in the port city of Thoothukudi in 2018.

This prompt move of the government will give a sigh of relief to 38 political leaders including Vaiko, Nallakannu, TTV Dhinakaran, and Premalatha Vijayakanth. As of now, the Central Bureau of Investigation is probing the case.

In an interim report handed over to MK Stalin on May 14, 2021, Justice (Retired) Aruna Jagadeesan said that the government should help those who are stuck in the case and unable to earn their livelihood.

In a statement, the government pointed out that the decision came after Chief Minister MK Stalin considered the interim inquiry report by Justice (Retired) Aruna Jagadeesan into the riots and deaths.

On May 22, 2018, 13 people were killed in police firing during a protest at the Sterlite plant in Thoothukudi. Many were seriously injured and many public properties were damaged. A commission headed by retired Judge Aruna Jagadeesan was appointed to inquire into the violence.