Chennai: Hours after police security was provided at the residence of actor Suriya in Chennai's T Nagar, the actor thanked the fans for the unprecedented support the film has been receiving. Earlier in the day, Suriya's residence was provided with police security following the announcement by Pattali Makkali Katchi (PMK) leader Palanisamy of a reward of Rs 1 lakh to anyone who attacks the actor.

Following this, Suriya thanked his fans on Twitter: "Dear all, this love for #Jaibhim is overwhelming. I’ve never witnessed this before! Can’t express in words how thankful I am for the trust & reassurance you all have given us. Heartfelt thanks for standing by us."

Besides, the actor thanked co-artists, politicians and beaureaucrats who have hailed the movie and actor for bringing the story to display the plight of Dalits on the silver screen.

Here are some of the Twitter reactions:

Responding to IPS officer Santosh Singh's praises for the film, Suriya Tweeted: "Thank you Sir! An IPS officer like you appreciating our film means a lot to us."

Responding with a retweet to Kerala minister PA Mohamed Riyas, he thanked the minister, who hailed the film for its narration.

After KK Sailaja, Member of Central Committee, CPI (M), praised the film for being a source of inspiration for a transformative change in the society, Suriya thanked the former Kerala Health Minister.

Tamil film Jai Bhim starring Suriya depicted true incidents from the life of Justice Chandru. The movie revolves around the brutal lock-up death case of a tribal that happened many years ago.