New Delhi: YouTuber Arieh Smith, known for his Xiaomanyc channel where he regularly surprises people by chatting up in Mandarin and Cantonese, has this time sprung a new language surprise. In his latest video, the American is seen chatting up people in fluent Bangla, and viewers can’t seem to have enough of it.

The video shows Smith on a food trail at a market in New York’s Queens locality, which is home to a large number of Bangladeshi immigrants.     

It shows the YouTuber ordering food at shops, speaking with the owners/servers in Bangla.

The video had garnered nearly 5.15 lakh views at the time of writing this report.

It starts with Smith mentioning how the Bengali language doesn’t get the attention it deserves, despite the fact that it’s one of the most spoken languages in the world.

He goes from one shop to another, speaking to people. 

Smith first goes to a paan (betel) shop and tells the shopkeeper in Bangla that he liked it very much, leaving the latter amazed. 

He also goes to a flea market looking for a pyjama, and to a 'Bangali Street Food' stall and talks to the shopkeepers in Bangla.

The local people in the area appear completely intrigued and ask him how he knows the language so well. 

Smith can also be seen telling one of the shopkeepers that he is learning Bengali.

His language skills earned him a lot of love on the web. 

“I'm a Bengali and his accent is very good as a foreigner. I'm so proud”, a user wrote in the comments section of his YouTube post.

“I'm from Bangladesh, And like you said, even though Bengali is one of the most spoken languages in the world, the Bengali culture is not highlighted as much as other cultures. Watching others actually making an effort to learn or at least appreciate the Bengali culture is just so heartwarming to me. Thank you so much for that. Wish you the best of luck,” another user posted.