Chennai: Tamil Nadu's ruling DMK is set to celebrate September as a Dravidian month. The party has taken the decision as the ideologues of the Dravidian movement, E.V. Ramaswamy Periyar and C.N. Anandurai, were born this month and the anniversary of the DMK's launch is also taking place in September.

As a result, a slew of events including a walkathon will be conducted through Robinson park, Chennai, where the party was launched this month.

The DMK Information and Technology wing has also planned a series of online programs, including Twitter discussions with the second-rung leaders of the party. 

Senior functionaries of the IT Wing said that the party needs to reintroduce the ideals of the former leaders and clarity of organisational thoughts as several youths were getting influenced by the right-wing campaigns.

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The IT Wing is creating a Twitter space to enter into discussions with like-minded people. The second rung of leaders of the party will take part in ideological discussions on this platform and will explain the need for a progressive Dravidian movement in the present scenario through which the country is moving ahead.

Some of the leaders include MPs Ezhilan, MM Abdullah and oratory speaker Nanjil Sampath.

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It will also be showcasing past leaders of the party and their struggles through short documentaries. This includes the fights these leaders had carried out for social justice and social equality. It has made posters with the history of some of the Dravidian ideologues.

Several leaders of the party with ideological moorings will also take classes on the Dravidian thoughts and how progressive the society could be taken forward through this movement and the ideological clarity it offers.