Tamil Nadu BJP president K Annamalai released the third part of 'DMK files' with two audio files related to the 2G scam investigation on Monday and Wednesday. In the social media posts, Annamalai shared audio conversations between DMK MPs and former Ministers TR Baalu, A Raja and former chief of TN State Intelligence Ms Jaffar Sait. Further, TN BJP chief accused DMK and Congress of manipulating the investigative process to suit their convenience.
Taking to X, Annamalai said, "Continuation of our exposè of how DMK manipulated the CBI enquiry during the 2G Probe. #DMKFiles3 Second tape: Conversation between DMK MP & former Min. Thiru A Raja (the prime accused in the 2G case) & MS Jaffar Sait, a former chief of TN State Intelligence. Witnesses prepped, cornered, threatened: This is how the UPA Govt conducted the 2G probe. Does not end with this…"
Annamalai also shared the audio clip. However, the authenticity of the audio was not independently verified.
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BJP leader K Annamalai suggested that more information will be revealed in the coming days.
Meanwhile, the hearings of the 2G Spectrum Allocation case at the Delhi High Court based on CBI and ED's appeal against the acquittal of former Telecom Minister A. Raja and others are ongoing.
In April 2023, Annamalai, in his 'DMK files part-2,' targeted Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, accusing him of allegedly embezzling around Rs 1,30,000 crores from the people.
Later, in July 2023, the BJP chief submitted a memorandum to Governor RN Ravi regarding these allegations.
In the first part of 'DMK files,' released earlier in 2023, the BJP chief accused DMK leaders of having disproportionate assets.