Chennai: A teenage footballer, R Priya, died after an alleged botched surgery on Tuesday morning. The doctors of Periyar Nagar Government Peripheral Hospital botched a surgery on a the leg of a girl on November 7. Following this, two follow-up surgeries were performed on the girl but still the girl died without responding to treatment.

Addressing the reporters, Tamil Nadu Health Minister Ma Subramanian announced a compensation of Rs 10 lakh to the family members. He also assured a government job to one of her three siblings. 

The Minister said, "It is an irreparable loss. Earlier, we formed a team to investigate about the surgery. The team found out that the loss was also due to the negligence of the medical team. Following this, we transferred the doctors on Monday. Today, we are issuing orders to suspend them. We have also ordered a departmental action." 

On November 7, the girl Priya initially underwent surgery to treat a ligament on the right knee at Periyar Nagar Government Peripheral Hospital. However, her health condition started to worsen and a leg was amputated to save her. A second follow-up surgery was also performed on Monday. 

However, she passed away due to a multi-organ failure at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital on Tuesday. 

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Priya's brother Lawrence said, Priya complained of leg pain hours after the surgery and she also woke up thrice to complain about the pain. However, she was simply given medication and was sent back to sleep. 

On November 8, she was transferred to RGGGH since the doctors suspected a "blood clot". At RGGGH, the doctors informed the family that the tissues on her right leg were dead and that they should immediately amputate to save her. 

On November 9, the doctors removed her leg. She once again underwent surgery on Monday. She was placed on a ventilator. 

RGGGH Dean Theranirajan told TOI, the muscle breakdown increased the presence of myoglobin in the urine and increased the creatinine levels. This led to kidney, liver and heart failure. 

Meanwhile, the family members of Priya R staged a protest demanding immediate action from police in the matter. The protests are being conducted as Priya's body is carried out from the mortuary after a post-mortem.