Chennai: In a horrifying incident, a 38 -year-old construction worker beat his daughter's stalker to death in open in front of public in Chengalpet, Tamil Nadu. Dilli could not bear the suffering his daughter was going through at the hands of the stalker.

According to police, Rajesh, 22, was continuously following and harassing Dilli’s 16 -year-old daughter whenever she set out alone. The harassed girl complained about the incident a few times to her dad in the past to warn the stalker. But, Rajesh paid no heed to the warnings, and yesterday he stopped the girl on her way back from grocery shop and proposed his love for her, and when the Class XI student tried to sort things out by talking the young man started harassing leaving the young girl in shock.

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Struck with shock and panic, the girl told the whole story to her father when he reached home from work. The enraged father picked up an iron rod found Rajesh and thrashed him till he bled to death while onlookers were witnessing this dreadful event.

As per police, Dilli was trying to dodge the police, but the passersby nabbed him and handed over to police.

Rajesh's body was sent for autopsy to Chengalpet government hospital. Police has taken Dilli for murder.