After commencing Bharat Jodo Yatra at Kanniyakumari on Wednesday, Rahul Gandhi slammed BJP while addressing a gathering at the rally launch. The Congress leader said that the country is reeling under the worst economic crisis along with highest unemployment rate ever due to the ruling BJP government at Centre.
"Today India is facing its worst economic crisis. A handful of large businesses control the entire country today. Earlier there was East India Company which controlled India and today there are 3-4 big companies which control the entire India. BJP govt has systematically attacked farmers, labourers and small and medium businesses," Gandhi said at the rally launch.
"They (BJP) think they can frighten the opposition using CBI, ED and IT. The problem is they don't understand Indian people. Indian people don't get scared. Not a single opposition leader is going to be scared of the BJP," he added.
While explaining the significance of tricolour, Gandhi said, "Millions and millions of people feel there's need to take action that brings India together. Tricolour did not come easily, it was earned by Indian people and belongs to every religion and language. Our tricolour guarantees right to practice any religion of choice, but today this flag is under attack."
Also read | Bharat Jodo Yatra: Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi Begins Rally From Kanniyakumari
Congress called this yatra a "new beginning" and a turning point in Indian politics as the Opposition is keen on taking on ruling BJP government in the upcoming 2024 General Elections.
As reported earlier, the yatra has commenced from Kanniyakumari in Tamil Nadu and it will move northwards, passing through Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Nilambur, Mysuru, Bellary, Raichur, Vikarabad, Nanded, Jalgaon, Indore, Kota, Dausa, Alwar, Bulandshahr, Delhi, Ambala, Pathankot and Jammu, before culminating in Srinagar.
The yatra will comprise 118 permanent members and will crisscross the country covering over 3,750 km through 12 states and reach its destination in 150 days.