Chennai: In a simple ceremony on May 7, DMK chief MK Stalin took oath as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in the presence of Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit at Raj Bhavan after staying in the Opposition for 10 years. Even before the oath-taking ceremony the novel coronavirus spread increased and the state was on the verge of a second wave forcing the newly-formed government to take measures on a war-footing. The Chief Minister immediately after the ceremony made five significant announcements which were all a hit including expanding the Chief Minister's health insurance cover and reducing the price of Aavin milk. These announcements were made on the first day of his office but on Saturday which is his 100th day of the Chief Minister assuming office, Stalin has made several important announcements that received the attention of leaders and public alike. 

On the 100th day of office as Tamil Nadu CM, ABP recalls some of the significant announcements made by the leader in the past. 

COVID-19 relief of Rs 4,000 for ration card holders: 

Among the first five significant announcements, the first sign was to provide Rs 4,000 COVID-19 assistance to ration rice card holders affected by the pandemic. The total sum was paid in two installments on May and June. Through the assistance, 2.14 lakh people benefitted amid the pandemic-induced lockdown.  

Visit to COVID-19 war room and COVID-19 wards in Coimbatore 

Having taken oath amid the second wave of the pandemic, Stalin set up a war room at the campus of Directorate of Medical Services to monitor the status of beds, oxygen supply and ambulances. The war room responded to the people who dialled '104' and helped in streaming the requirements for oxygen and normal beds. Apart from starting the initiative, Chief Minister visited the war room and  attended a desperate call of a kin of a COVD-19 patient. He patiently listened to the woes of the kin and within 30 minutes allotted a bed at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital. 

In another news, Stalin donned a hazmat suit and visited the COVID-19 patients receiving treatment at their wards in Government Erode Medical College Hospital. 

Financial aid for children orphaned by COVID-19

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister announced an assistance of Rs 5 lakh to children who lost both their parents due to the coronavirus infection. He said, the sum will be deposited in an account and will be distributed along with the interest once the child turns 18 years. The government will also bear the cost of education and hostel fees until they complete graduation. The government also provided a priority to accommodate the children in government homes. 

Stalin said, the children who lost one of the parents will be given Rs 3 lakh and Rs 3,000 per month for children who reside with their caretaker or guardian until 18 years of age. 

Setting up a finance committee with leading economists 

Tamil Nadu government formed a new economic advisory council to the Chief Minister with leading economists and nobel laureate. The Council consists of former Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan, Nobel Laureate Esther Duflo, former CEA Arvind Subramanian, Development Economist Jean Dreze and former Union Finance Secretary S Narayan. The government is taking steps to revitalise the state economy that is facing financial deficit and to ensure that economic growth reaches all sections of the society.

Vaccine Utilisation

Tamil Nadu was branded as a state with highest novel coronavirus vaccine wastage but the state has now topped the list of states with lowest COVID-19 wastage policy. The state extracted additional COVID-19 vaccine doses from the allotted doses between May 1-July 23. The achievement made the state to not only emerge as a state with zero vaccine wastage but also a state with the most number of additional extracted vaccine doses.