Maharashtra minister Deepak Kesarkar on Thursday said that the former chief minister Uddhav Thackeray wanted to form an alliance with BJP again but he had a condition that he will be the CM for the next five years. Kesarkar while responding to Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut's claims regarding the reduction in security for Thackeray and his family due to political reasons, said that it hasn't been reduced and Uddhav Thackeray-led Shiv Sena leaders should stop lying about it. Kesarkar said, “The security of Uddhav Thackeray and his family has not been decreased. The state home department has given clarification on it. Sanjay Raut and Aditya Thackeray should not lie about it.” The minister asserted that Shiv Sena leaders including Aditya Thackeray should not lie.

Kesarkar took a jibe at Thackeray and said that Maharashtra's heritage is about self-respect and not what he's doing. While talking to ANI, he said, "Everyone urged him (Uddhav Thackeray) to leave Congress and Rashtrawadi party but, he didn't do it. Despite him not doing it, we were still in touch constantly while saying that we (BJP) will return to Shiv Sena if you forego the alliance with both parties."

Raut on Thursday launched an attack on BJP by saying that they will get the outcome of their doings. On the alleged scaling down of security, Raut said, "This is all influenced by politics, whether it is ED raids or scaling down of security. But they will get the outcome of their doings. What can they(BJP) do maximum, they might shoot us or put us in jail."

In another incident, hoardings of Uddhav Thackeray and Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi chief Prakash Ambedkar with Aurangzeb’s picture in it were put up at midnight in the Mahim area of Mumbai. A police official while talking to ANI said, "Posters were put up at night, no information yet on who put them up. It has been removed now. No complaint received so far. Police will register an FIR against unknown people if law & order is disturbed."