Union Agriculture Minister and Former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan's son, Kartikeya Singh Chouhan, said that "entire Delhi is bowing down" before his father after his victory in the Lok Sabha elections. Kartikeya Singh's remarks came while he was addressing a public gathering in Bherunda, part of Budhni Assembly segment in Sehore district on Friday.
"I have just returned from Delhi. Earlier, our leader (Shivraj Chouhan) was popular as Chief Minister. But now, it seems he has become more popular after stepping down," Kartikeya Singh said, as reported by PTI.
"Now, after his huge victory, the whole of Delhi bows down before him [poora delhi natmastak hai]. Entire Delhi knows, recognises, and respects him. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, if we count the top leaders, our leader Shivraj Singh Chouhan is on the list," added Kartikeya Singh, an alumnus of the University of Pennsylvania.
Shivraj Singh Chouhan won the Vidisha Lok Sabha seat in Madhya Pradesh by over 8,20,000 votes and was appointed Agriculture Minister in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's cabinet.
Congress Takes Swipe
Madhya Pradesh Congress Chief Jitu Patwari responded to Kartikeya Singh's statement, saying that it indicates the "fear within the BJP". "Shivraj ji's yuvraj (prince) is saying that Delhi is scared. This is 100% true. The country is also watching the scared dictator carefully," Patwari wrote on X.
He further stated, "There is fear of dissent within the party, a rebellion of big leaders, coalition management, decreasing support for the government, and fear of losing power".
Shivraj's 'Yuvraj' To Make Way Into Politics? Buzz Surrounds Kartikeya
With Shivraj Singh Chouhan's transition to a ministerial role in Delhi, there is speculation about the rise of his son, Kartikeya Singh Chouhan, media reports suggest.
The Union Agriculture Minister held a grand roadshow in Bhopal last Sunday, followed by a workers' gratitude conference in Bherunda. It is to be noted that Kartikeya's possible candidacy for the Bhduni Assemb;y seat, vacated by his father, has been a topic of discussion.
"With Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, making to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's cabinet and the switch to Delhi, political circles are abuzz about the possible rise of his son Kartikey Singh Chouhan," an NDTV report said.
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