Santanu Sinha, member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, has slammed Congress, a day after the grand old party sought action against Bharatiya Janata Party leader Amit Malviya over allegations of sexual exploitation. On Monday, Congress leader Supriya Shrinate had claimed that the RSS member, who is related to BJP leader Rahul Sinha, has said that Malviya is indulged in "sexual exploitation" of women not just in 5-star hotels but in the saffron party's offices in West Bengal.

Slamming the Congress party, Sinha said in a social media post,: "It is a great chagrin to me that the nastiest and most corrupted political party of the country, the Indian National Congress is spreading hate campaign against Amit Malaviya and BJP."

He further said that he wanted to give a "clear message" that the post was "not aimed to malign Malviya but as a caution not to get entangled in a honey trap, which was first brought to light by Tathagata Roy, ex-president of the State unit."

"If my post hurts Malaviya and/or undermines my party for such misinterpretation and edited version, I do express my heartfelt sorrow for the same...," he added. 

ALSO READ: Cong Seeks Amit Malviya's Removal Over 'Sexual Exploitation' Charges, BJP Leader Promises Legal Action

Shrinate held a press conference on Monday where she said that Santanu, has said that the BJP IT Cell head Amit Malviya is indulged in "nefarious activities". 

"He is indulged in the sexual exploitation of women. Not just in 5-star hotels but in BJP offices in West Bengal. The only thing that we seek from the BJP is, justice for women...," she said.

The Congress leader also pointed out, "The reality is less than 24 hours after PM Modi was sworn in, serious charges of sexual exploitation have been levelled against a very prominent office bearer of the BJP, the head of its IT cell."