New Delhi: Creating a fresh flutter in the state's political circles, the BJP's Maharashtra unit on Friday posted a four-year-old video of former chief minister Devendra Fadnavis saying that he will return to helm of affairs in the state. Taking to X, the state BJP posted a video of Fadnavis along with a caption “I will return for building a new Maharashtra.” However, the social media post was deleted later.
Later, Maharashtra BJP’s chief spokesperson Keshav Upadhye issued a clarification saying the old video is posted several times as the workers take inspiration from it and there was no need to draw “any other conclusion”.
“BJP’s stance is clear. This video has also been posted earlier on social media. Fadnavis has said the next state elections will be fought under Shinde’s leadership,” Upadhye told a TV channel.
“There is no need for the Shinde group to be apprehensive (over the video). Shinde and Fadnavis share a good rapport and coordination. Shinde, Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar are working together for development of Maharashtra,” Upadhye added.
It is to be noted that before the state elections in 2019, Fadnavis, then-chief minister, had said, “Mi punha yein” (I will return). He is now the deputy chief minister in Maharashtra.
However, CM Eknath Shinde told a TV channel he is yet to see the video posted by BJP state unit.
Meanwhile, after BJP posted the video, former CM and Congress leader Prithviraj Chavan wondered if there was a move afoot to replace Shinde as the chief minister.
“Maybe Shinde is being made the scapegoat. Such a move may be because the government led by him has failed to tackle important issues,” PTI quoted Chavan as saying.
Notably, the state BJP posted the video two days after Fadnavis visited New Delhi and met senior party leaders.