Gujarat News: A two-year-old boy who fell into a borewell at Govana village in Gujarat's Jamnagar on Tuesday evening was rescued in the early hours of Wednesday, news agency ANI reported, citing officials. The boy fell into the borewell on Tuesday evening at around 6:30 PM and was rescued after over a nine-hour operation at around 4:00 am.

The officials said that the child was immediately shifted to a hospital in Jamnagar for treatment. The rescue operation was carried out by two teams from the Fire Service Department and teams from the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) and the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).

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In January, a similar incident occurred when a three-year-old girl fell into a borewell in Gujarat's Dwarka district. According to ANI, the girl died while being taken to the hospital within an hour after her rescue.

The girl was identified as Angel Sakhra, ANI reported. She was rescued after an eight-hour-long operation and was taken to a government hospital in Khambhalia town, where she was declared brought dead.

Last year in July, a rescue operation was launched by the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) team after a 3-year-old child fell into a borewell in Kul village in Bihar's Nalanda, as reported by ANI. According to the officials, the child was identified as Shivam Kumar, the news agency reported. JCB machines were called to deliver oxygen and extract the child from the borewell. After receiving information about the incident, many officials of Parsottam reached the spot.

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