New Delhi: The security personnel on Tuesday defused an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) planted by suspected terrorists on the Jammu-Srinagar National highway on the outskirts of Jammu's capital city, thereby averting a major tragedy.

SP Rural Jammu Rahul Charak said that the Bomb Disposal Squad (BDS) was called on the spot after the police received information about a suspicious object lying near the highway. 

"We received information about a suspicious object lying near the highway. Bomb Disposal Squad (BDS) was called and an IED was found. The IED has been destroyed by the team. Further investigation is underway," he told ANI.

The traffic was suspended on the highway but was later restored.

Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Jammu Chandan Kohli told PTI that a case under relevant sections of law has been registered and an investigation has been taken up.

In a similar incident, a suspected IED was defused by the Bomb Disposal Squad in the Baramulla district of J&K on August 14, a day ahead of Independence Day. A team of army personnel and police were patrolling near a college in the Kanispora area and they found the said IED in a bag there, reported PTI. 

Following the discovery of the bomb, a bomb disposal squad was summoned to the spot which then defused the IED without causing any damage. 

In another incident in July, security forces found a suspicious bag at the Zangam flyover in J&K following which the traffic movement was halted on Srinagar-Baramulla National Highway.

While briefing about the incident, Army officials said that a team of police, 29RR, and CRPF rushed to the spot after the bag was found on Srinagar National Highway in Baramullah.

He added that a Bomb Disposal Squad was also called up to ascertain the object. The official further said that upon checking, it was found to be an IED, which was defused without causing any damage.