New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said that Delhi is not among the 10 most polluted cities in Asia. Citing a media report, Delhi CM said that eight cities are from India and Delhi is not on the list. He also said that some years back, Delhi was considered to be one of the "most polluted cities in the world" but not anymore.
Kejriwal shared the media report on Twitter and wrote, "Among 10 most polluted cities in Asia, eight are from India and Delhi not in the list. Some years back, Delhi was the most polluted city in the world. Not any more!" He, however, said there is still a long way to go.
"People of Delhi worked very hard. Today, we have improved a lot. While we have improved, its still a long way. We will continue working hard so that we find a place in the best cities of the world," Kejriwal said. "We are committed to making Delhi the best city in the world," he added. Earlier today people in Delhi woke up to smog covering the national capital’s sky on the occasion of Diwali.
The overall air quality index is 276, which falls under the “poor” category, news agency ANI reported, citing data provided by SAFAR (System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research), a project under the Union Ministry of Earth Sciences.
The sizes of the particulate matter in the air are 2.5 microns and 10 microns. Stubble burning contributes to the PM 2.5 (particulate matter of 2.5 micron-size). PM 2.5 has resulted in an AQI of 216 while PM 10 (particulate matter of 10-micron size) has contributed to an AQI of 226.
(With Agencies’ Inputs)