Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's wife Sunita Kejriwal said on Thursday the tricolour was not hoisted at the Chief Minister's residence on the occasion of the 78th Independence Day. The Delhi CM is currently lodged in Tihar jail in a money laundering case linked to alleged irregularities in the implementation of the liquor policies in Delhi. 

"Today the tricolour was not hoisted at the CM residence. It is very sad. This dictatorship can keep an elected Chief Minister in jail, but how can it stop the patriotism in the heart…," said Sunita in a post on X. 

Delhi revenue minister and Aam Aadmi Party leader Atishi also penned a note for Kejriwal saying the freedom fighter would not have imagined that an elected CM would be framed in a false case and kept in jail for months. 

"Today is Independence Day when India got freedom from British dictatorship in 1947. Hundreds of freedom fighters faced lathi charge, went to jail and sacrificed their lives – to get us this freedom," said the AAP leader in a post on X. 

"They would not have even imagined in their dreams that one day, in independent India, an elected Chief Minister would be framed in a false case and kept in jail for months," Atishi said.

"Let us pledge on this Independence Day that we will continue to fight against dictatorship till our last breath," she added. 

Kejriwal was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate on March 21 in the money laundering case. He was granted bail by the Supreme Court in the ED case on July 12. However, he was again arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation on June 26 in a corruption case linked to the excise policy. 

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court refused to grant interim bail to Kejriwal in the CBI case and sought a response from the probe agency on his plea challenging his arrest.