Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal stirred a political storm in Delhi on Sunday after he announced that he will step down from the post of Chief Minister in next two days. He also called for early assembly polls in the national capital along with elections in Maharashtra, slated to be held in November this year. 

Responding to the demand by Kejriwal, the Election Commission of India said there was no possibility to conduct the polls before schedule. Sources told ABP News that early assembly elections were not possible in such a short time.

ALSO READ: Who Will Be Next Delhi CM? BJP's Big Claim As Kejriwal Announces To Step Down

Kejriwal was addressing party workers for the first time after walking out of Tihar Jail when he made the annoucement to step down from the post of Delhi Chief Minister. "... I am going to resign from the CM position after two days. I will not sit on the CM chair until the people give their verdict," he said, adding: "I will become chief minister, Sisodia deputy CM only when people say we are honest."

Aam Aadmi Party threw its weight behind its supremo with Raghav Chadha saying that Kejriwal is going through "trial by fire" to "certify his honesty." The CM is ready to undergo 'agni-pariksha'," said the AAP Rajya Sabha MP.

ALSO READ: 'Mere Gimmick': Delhi Congress Slams Arvind Kejriwal Following Resignation Announcement

"Now it's in the hands of the people of Delhi to decide if he is honest or not. Arvind Kejriwal had asked for votes in the name of work in 2020 and said that if I have worked then vote for me, if I have not worked then do not vote for me. The people of Delhi will declare their Chief Minister honest by voting for AAP and in the upcoming 2025 Delhi elections," he added. 

The opposition Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party, however fired salvo saying the annoucement to step down comes as the Supreme Court has said in its bail order not to sign any document or go the the Chief Minister's Office.