Bhartiya Janta Party MP Aparajita Sarangi flagged off the Amrit Bharat Express in Odisha's Bhubaneshwar on Sunday. While flagging off the 22-coach Amrit Bharat Express, the MP told news agency ANI that the train has a number of facilities for the passengers with the fare being quite economical. 

The BJP MP told ANI, "It's a great thing which has happened to Odisha again, thanks to the blessings of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In fact yesterday he flagged off 6 Vande Bharat Express trains and 2 Amrit Bharat Express trains. This Amrit Bharat train is passing through Odisha and we are all here to welcome the train at the Bhubaneshwar Railway Station. We are well aware of the fact that this Amrit Bharat train has a lot of facilities for the passengers. The fair is economical. There are 22 coaches equipped with LED lights...all kinds of facilities have been provided."

She added, "I must say that on February 18, 2019, PM Modi started this Vande Bharat Express in the country and 52 such trains have been programmed to be started in the country. I am delighted to say that already 41 trains have been started by him already. Today we can boast of two Vande Bharat trains here in Odisha and one Amrit Bharat train has also been started."

ALSO READ | Amrit Bharat Vs Vande Bharat: Key Differences Between 2 Flagship Trains Launched By PM Modi

The Prime Minister flagged off six Vande Bharat Express and two Amrit Bharat Express trains in Ayodhya during his Saturday visit. Apart from flagging off the trains, he also inaugurated the redeveloped Ayodhya railway station.