Bihar: After the July incident where a man bit a snake to death in Bihar, a similar event unfolded in the Gaya disctict. But this time, its a one-year-old child who reportedly bit a snake to death, while playing in his house.

As per reports, the toddler was playing when he spotted the snake on the terrace and picked it up, mistaking it for a toy. He then bit the reptile, which caused its death. The boy, however, is out of danger and unharmed. This left the family of the toddler and the doctors surprised as the boy survived despite biting a poisonous reptile.

The incident has drawn considerable attention on social media and the visuals of the one-year-old and the snake that died have also surfaced online. 

According to reports, the child's mother said that the he had no idea of the danger around him and believed the snake to be a toy.

As soon as the family discovered a dead snake near the toddler they rushed him to a local community health centre nearby.

A viral video circulating on the internet showed the one-year-old in a woman's arms looking into the camera, while a man attempted to gently open his mouth.

The man then held up a phone that displayed a photo of the snake, with a part of its body appearing to have been crushed because of the child's bite.

The medical staff, after examining the child at the health centre, told the family that he was fine. They explained that the snake was non-venomous and is commonly seen during the monsoon season in that region.

In a similar incident that occurred in July, a man from Rajauli was bitten by a snake while he was asleep. The man, however, in a desperate attempt to save his life, bit the snake back, thinking about a local belief that says doing so neutralises the poison.

After being bitten by the man, the snake died and the man was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he received treatment. The man's life was saved in this unusual encounter with the reptile.