Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister and renowned actor Pawan Kalyan recently stirred up a significant conversation on social media with his comments about the changing portrayal of heroes in films. Speaking alongside Karnataka Forest Minister Eshwar B. Khandre in Bengaluru, Kalyan lamented the shift in cinema, where characters who were once depicted as protectors of nature are now often glorified as those who exploit it in an viled attack on movie 'Pushpa' starring Allu Arjun.

Reflecting on the past, Kalyan recalled the iconic role of a forest officer played by Kannada superstar Rajkumar in the 1973 film Gandhada Gudi. "Around 40 years back, a hero was someone who protected forests from poachers and smugglers," he said, adding that today, the definition of a hero seems to have shifted. "Now, a hero is someone who destroys forests and is a smuggler," he remarked, highlighting the stark contrast in cultural values portrayed in contemporary cinema.

The Jana Sena Party leader, who himself has a successful career in the film industry, expressed his struggle with this cultural transformation. "I am part of the cinema industry, But most of the time i struggle to do such films Ami sending the right message? Of course, cinema is different but the cultural shift that happened is quite interesting," the actor-politician said, according to a report on IANS.

Kalyan's remarks quickly went viral, with many speculating that his comments were directed at actor Allu Arjun, who played the role of a red sander smuggler in the blockbuster film Pushpa: The Rise. The film, which was a massive success, is set to have a sequel, Pushpa 2: The Rule, slated for release later this year. Allu Arjun, who comes from a prominent film family, is the son of producer Allu Arvind and the brother-in-law of Pawan Kalyan's elder brother, superstar Chiranjeevi.

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