Yuzvendra Chahal, the star India cricketer, and choreographer Dhanashree Verma have recently been at the center of divorce rumours after they unfollowed each other on Instagram, sparking widespread speculation about their relationship and attracting social media trolling. While both Chahal and Dhanashree have not officially given an update on their marital status, they have spoken out condemning the trolls and urging people to stop spreading unfounded rumours.

The speculation surrounding Dhanashree and Chahal's possible separation intensified when Chahal began sharing cryptic messages on his Instagram stories, which led to heavy spotlight on the couple.

Afterwards, Dhanashree also posted a story responding to the ‘character assassination’ by the ‘faceless trolls.’ 

Here’s a collection of the Instagram stories shared by Chahal and Dhanashree amid the growing speculation surrounding their divorce rumours.

Yuzvendra Chahal’s Insta Story On January 9 (Thursday)

Chahal posted a story on January 9 (Thursday) addressing the speculation about his personal life, urging people not to indulge in baseless rumours, as they have caused pain to him and his family.

"I am grateful to all my fans for their unwavering love and support without which, I wouldn't have come this far. But this journey is far from OVER!!! As there are still many incredible OVERS left to deliver for my country, my team, and for my fans!!! While I am proud to be a sportsman, I am also a Son, a Brother, and a Friend. I understand the curiosity surrounding recent events, particularly about my personal life. However, I have noticed certain social media posts speculating on matters that may or may not be true.

As a Son, a Brother and a Friend, I humbly request everyone not to indulge in these speculations, as they have caused immense pain to me and my family. My family values have taught me to always wish well for all, strive to achieve success through dedication and hard work, instead of taking shortcuts, and I remain committed to these values. With Divine Blessings, I shall forever strive to seek your love & support and not sympathy. Love all," Yuzvendra Chahal wrote on his Instagram story.

Dhanashree Verma’s Insta Story On January 8 (Wednesday)

On January 8, Dhanashree shared an Instagram story condemning the baseless rumours and character assassination by online trolls.

"The past few days have been incredibly tough for my family and me. What's truly upsetting is the baseless writing, devoid of fact checking, and the character assassination of my reputation by faceless trolls spreading hate."

"I've worked hard for years to build my name and integrity. My silence is not a sign of weakness; but of strength. While negativity spreads easily online, it takes courage and compassion to uplift others

"I choose to focus on my truth and move forward, holding onto my values. The truth stands tall without the need for justification. Om Namah Shivaay,” Dhanashree wrote on her Instagram story.

Yuzvendra Chahal’s Insta Story On January 7 (Tuesday)

On January 7, Yuzvendra Chahal shared a cryptic post amid separation rumours, featuring a quote by Socrates: "Silence is a profound melody, for those who can hear it above all the noise."

Yuzvendra Chahal’s Insta Story On January 5 (Sunday)

On January 5, Chahal shared yet another cryptic post emphasizing the value of hard work, stating that it reveals a person's character and the effort they've put in to make their parents proud.

“Hard work spotlights the character of people. You know your journey. You know your pain. You know what all you have done to reach here. The world knows. You stand tall. You have worked with all your sweat to make your father and your mother proud. Keep standing tall like a proud son always," the Insta story read.