New Delhi: Unmukt Chand, who won the Under-19 World Cup for India under his captaincy, got married on Sunday evening. The talented young batsman tied the knot with Simran Khosla who is a Fitness and Nutrition Coach by profession. Unmukt's relatives and many close friends were present in this marriage ceremony. Simran Khosla shared some pictures and videos from her wedding on her Instagram account.
Earlier in August this year, Unmukt Chand had retired from Indian cricket. India won the Under-19 World Cup in 2012 under captaincy of Unmukt Chand. Fans and experts had high hopes for Unmukt but he failed to make any impact. In IPL, Unmukt played for Delhi, Mumbai and Rajasthan but failed to impress. After making the announcement of his retirement, he shifted to America and performed brilliantly in minor league cricket in America.
Big Bash League (BBL) franchise Melbourne Renegades have included Unmukt in their team. He has become the first Indian male cricketer to take part in BBL. The franchise gave this information via its Twitter account. The captain of the Melbourne team is Aaron Finch. The 28-year-old won the player of the match award for scoring an unbeaten 111 in the final of the Under 19 World Cup 2012 against Australia. Although he never represented India at the international level.