Three senior men's wrestlers, who had reported to the National Wrestling Camp at SAI Centre in Sonepat, have tested positive for COVID -19 virus. ALSO READ | IPL 2020 Schedule: BCCI Boss Sourav Ganguly Declares 'Full Schedule' To Be Announced On Friday

All wrestlers were tested, upon arrival, as per the SAI SOP for resumption of sports activities.

As per protocol all Wrestlers along with the coaches and support staff were made to undergo mandatory RT-PCR test for Covid -19. During the test wrestlers, Deepak Punia-86KG, Navin-65KG & Krishan-125KG were found positive and have been moved to a SAI empanelled hospital as a precautionary measure and for further monitoring.

Concerned with the increasing number of Coronavirus cases in the country, Olympic-bound wrestler Bajrang Punia on Thursady had said it is everybody's responsibility to keep each other safe.

Speaking to a news agency over phone from Sonepat, Bajrang had said: "I am under quarantine and like me, other wrestlers are also following the protocol. It is our responsibility to keep each other safe. The Sports Authority of India (SAI) has made all these rules and regulations for our safety only. We can't just ignore it at any cost.

"There was also an online meeting of SAI officials with us. They assured us all the help. We are finally getting a chance to train properly in a camp and we must make sure that it starts and ends on a positive note. We should not break any protocol," he emphasised.