Baku: In an impressive display of skill, teenage Grandmaster D Gukesh secured a victory against local favourite Misratdin Iskandarov during the second round of the World Cup. This triumph propelled Gukesh beyond his idol, Viswanathan Anand, in the live world (FIDE) rankings, ending the latter's 37-year reign as India's top chess player on Thursday.
With a remarkable performance, the 17-year-old Gukesh outplayed Iskandarov from Azerbaijan in a 44-move second-round match. The international chess federation (FIDE) acknowledged Gukesh's achievement in a tweet, stating that he has now surpassed Viswanathan Anand in live ratings. The talented young player is likely to make it to the top 10 in the world, becoming the highest-rated Indian player when the official FIDE rating list is released on September 1.
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Following his recent victory and a gain of 2.5 rating points, Gukesh's live rating stands at an impressive 2755.9, slightly ahead of Anand's 2754.0. As a result, Gukesh has now taken the position of World No. 9 in the live rankings, while the renowned five-time World champion, Anand, has slipped to 10th.
Anand, who first entered the World's top 10 in July 1991, has consistently held the top rank among Indian players in all published lists since January 1987. However, Gukesh's remarkable progress has now reshuffled the rankings.
In the upcoming third round, Gukesh will face fellow Indian player S L Narayanan in what promises to be an exciting match.
In addition to Gukesh's success, several other Indian players also advanced to the third round of the World Cup on Thursday (August 3). The performance of the Indian contingent showcases the country's strong presence and prowess in the international chess arena.
(With Inputs From PTI)