Bhubaneshwar: Australia thrashed France 8-0 In a Pool A Clash of the FIH Men's Hockey World Cup 2023 at the Kalinga Stadium Bhubaneshwar on Friday. While Tom Craig scored a field goal hat-trick with the help of goals in 8th minute, 31st minute and 44th minute, Jeremy Hayward also netted a hat-trick of goals, each of them from the penalty corner. In addition, Flynn Ogilvie and Tom Wickham chipped in with a goal each. Hayward's goals came in the 26th, 28th and 38th minute as he became the first in this edition of the tournament to score a hat-trick.

Earlier, Argentina had defeated France 1-0 in the tournament opener. Aregentina's Maico Casella scored the only goal of the match. Notably, Australia are the number 1 ranked team in the world and the way they dominated France, did no harm to their reputation.

The manner in which they thrashed France might have even rung warning well in the opposition camps. While the French team did try but Australia were much better on the day. The result has also taken Australia to the top of the table in Pool A as despite Argentina's win, they enjoy a massive goal difference advantage.

The Kookaburras will now be up against the Los Leones in their next group-stage fixture which is scheduled on January 16, 2023 in Bhubaneshwar. They will then face South Africa in their final group fixtue on January 20 in Rourkela.

Meanwhile, India will take on Spain in a Pool D encounter later this evening. While the Men in Blue are ranked number 6 in the world, Spain are ranked number 8. India seek their first podium finish in the World Cup in 48 years.

India's Group-Stage Fixtures at Hockey World Cup 2023

India vs Spain - 13 January at 7.00 PM IST in Rourkela
India vs England - 15 January at 7.00 PM IST in Rourkela
India vs Wales - 19 January at 7.00 PM IST in Bhubaneshwar