Ochirvaani, a superfan and lifelong supporter of Manchester United, is from Mongolia, who has grabbed headlines for his immense dedication and loyalty towards his favourite club, by embarking on a journey from his home country Mongolia, all the way to Old Trafford in Manchester, England....., 'on a bicycle'! The journey began last year, in the month of May, which reached its conclusion after one year, and realised his dream once he reached the doorsteps of the iconic Old Trafford.

This was not the only dream the Mongolian realised, as he was surprised by a visit from his favourite player and Manchester United legend, Wayne Rooney. The all-time leading scorer of Manchester United retired from football a few years ago, but is well remembered for his iconic services for the club, over the period of 13 years, which included loads of titles, goals, and iconic moments such as his world-class bicycle kick against Manchester City in the Manchester Derby, or, his crucial equaliser against arguably the greatest team in the history of football — Pep Guardiola's 2010/11 version of FC Barcelona, which though ended in a losing cause for Manchester United, as goals from Pedro, Lionel Messi, and David Villa sealed a 3-1 win for the Blaugrana.


Here's How Wayne Rooney Surprised Ochirvaani

Wayne Rooney was informed by the club via a fan mail from Ochirvaani, where he openly stated his love and devotion for Manchester United and club legend — Wayne Rooney. The Mongolian wanted to experiecnce a Premier League fixture atmosphere at the stadium. "Wayne Rooney has always been my hero" — a line from Ochirvaani's fan mail, as recited by Wayne Rooney in the video, which also stated that his friends call him Ochirvoo because of his love for Wayne Rooney.

Upon learning the fact that Ochirvaani almost completed his quest of reaching Old Trafford, the club officials arranged a special meeting for the Mongolian, which consisted the likes of club captain Bruno Fernandes, former legendary manager Sir Alex Ferguson, and ofcourse, his idol and club legend —Wayne Rooney.

Ochirvaani was in tears upon meeting Wayne Rooney and the special fan received a wholesome treatment at Old Trafford, a lifeling memory that the Mongolian will forever cherish.