FIFA World Cup 2022: Football players Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, two of the greatest athletes in the history of sport, broke the internet by posing together in a picture ahead of 2022 FIFA World Cup. The two icons are also arch-rivals and have contested for status of 'best footballer in the world'. The pic featuring Ronaldo and Messi, playing chess together for an advertisement, has become one of the most talked about photos on social media. Cristiano Ronaldo shared the pic via his official Instagram account and captioned it," Victory is a state of mind."
Former India skipper Virat Kohli is among millions of fans who have reacted to the viral pic. The RCB legend posted a three-word comment. "What a picture," wrote Kohli in the comments section.
Both Ronaldo and Messi are most likely playing their last edition of FIFA World Cup 2022. Ronaldo-led Portugal will kick-off their World Cup campaign with a match against Ghana on Thursday, November 24, while Lionel Messi-led Argentina will start their 2022 FIFA WC campaign with a match against Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, November 22.
Cristiano Ronaldo opens up on rivalry with Lionel Messi
In an interview with Piers Morgan, Ronaldo called Messi 'a top player who does great things for football'.
"Amazing player, he is magic, top,' Ronaldo said. "As a person, we share the stage 16 years, imagine, 16 years we share. So, I have great relationship with him. I'm not a friend of him in terms of, what I mean friend is the guy who was with you in your house, speaking on the phone, no, but it's like a team-mate. He's a guy that I really respect the way he always speaks about me. Even his wife or and my girlfriend, they always respect and they're from Argentina. My girlfriend is from Argentina. So good. What I am going to say about Messi? A great guy who does great things for football."