New Delhi: A viral video featuring India's star sprinter Hima Das went viral on Saturday and has led to many getting misinformed, including former Indian cricketer Virender Sehwag. Three days before the start of track and field events at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games 2022, a video on Twitter shared via Twitter handle Pegasus claimed that the sprinter won a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. The misleading tweet that entangled many in its web of misinformation garnered over 3,000 likes and was retweeted over 6,000 times.

Sehwag wrongly posted a congratulatory tweet that claimed Hima Das won gold in the 400m event at the Commonwealth Games, only to delete it after the goof-up was brought to his notice.

The cricketer's now-deleted tweet read: "What a win! Indian athletes have totally arrived. Many congratulations to Hima Das on winning gold in the 400m at the Commonwealth Games. Fakr Hai."

When Sehwag was informed about his blunder, he deleted the tweet.

The video is from the 2018 U-20 World Athletics Championships in Tampere, Finland when the star sprinter from Assam became the first Indian to win a gold medal at the championship. 

The track and field events of the Commonwealth Games will begin on August 2 at the Alexander Stadium. Hima has to participate in the 200m race which will be held on August 4. The semi-finals and final of the event will be held on August 5 and 6 respectively.