Mumbai: England cricketer Ollie Robinson was suspended indefinitely after his old tweets went viral. These tweets were labelled as 'sexist' and 'racist'. Indian legend Sachin Tendulkar has come in support of the cricketer saying that "he did that many, many years ago and he is sorry about it." 

"You have to move on. If the players apologise and are sorry about it, not as a formality, but from the bottom of their heart then we should move on," Tendulkar was quoted by Hindustan Times.

"They left him out in the second Test in spite of doing well and he realises what he had done... he apologised and also said that this won't happen again. We need to be fair to him and at some stage he should start playing," he added.

Tendulkar said that losing out on tournaments affects an athlete. "I am not saying don't reprimand them or whatever that penalty is. That has already happened. For an athlete, if you are left out of an event then that itself is a big blow," he said. 

After playing the first Test against NZ, Robinson had apologised for his old tweets and said: "On the biggest day of my career so far, I am embarrassed by the racist and sexist tweets that I posted over eight years ago, which have today become public. I want to make it clear that I'm not racist and I'm not sexist." 

English Prime Minister has called ECB's decision to suspend Ollie Robinson as "over the top".