India have ticked more boxes than otherwise in the ongoing Asia Cup 2023. Rohit Sharma & Co, in preparation for the ODI World Cup, have been spot on and have seemingly found the answers to the questions they had gone into the tournament with. Jasprit Bumrah has been superb with the ball in hand and hasn't looked rushed or out of match practice while KL Rahul has also returned with a century in his comeback match while also keeping wickets, putting all fitness concerns aside.

In addition, the performance of Ishan Kishan has also been impressive and in turn allowed India the luxury of a left-handed batter in the middle order who can also be used as an opener, in case the need arises. India's bowling attak has fired with Kuldeep Yadav being a massive plus other than Bumrah with other bowlers also sticking to their roles while their over batting has also looked solid with Virat Kohli, Shubman Gill, Rohit Sharama all among runs.

It is no surprise that India were the first team to seal a place for themselves in the finals of Asia Cup 2023. That allowed the Men in Blue the luxury to rest as many as five players for their final Super 12 fixture against Bangladesh with a place in the finals already assured. That meant Virat Kohli was among the players rested for this match. Even though he was not in the Playing 11, Kohli still found a way to hog limelight.

The right-handed batter's animated act as he was coming on to the ground to serve drinks to his teammates during the match has gone viral on social media. 

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