The state of Kerala is all set to host the first international cricket match since overcoming the worst floods in nearly a century. The Greenfield International Cricket Stadium in Thiruvananthapuram will host the fifth and final India vs West Indies ODI on Thursday. Ahead of the match, Indian skipper Virat Kohli expressed how gladdened he is to visit here.

Adoring the beauty of God’s own country, Kohli urged the people out there to pay a visit to the state and experience the vibes of the region. According to an Indian Express report, the Indian skipper left a note at The Leela Raviz Kovalam where the Men in Blue are currently staying. In the note, Kohli wrote,

“Being in Kerala is nothing short of bliss. I love coming here and love the energy of the whole place. The beauty of Kerala is something to be experienced and I would recommend to everyone that they come here and experience the energy of God’s Own Country. Kerala is surely back to its feet and absolutely safe to come to. Thanks to this amazing place for making me feel happy every time I am here.”

The people of Kerala are back to their normal lives after the natural calamity took a heavy toll on them. A recently-conducted survey by the state tourism department has stated that most of the tourist destinations are fit to welcome tourists.