Mumbai: Indian cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar donated ₹1 crore on Thursday for Covid-19 relief. The money will be used for buying oxygen concentrators for Corona infected patients. Sachin was himself down with Corona virus and recovered after 21 days of isolation.

India meanwhile recorded 3,79,257 cases of Covid-19 on Wednesday. The healthcare system is under immense pressure and is failing to deliver. It is a state of medical emergency. Sachin Tendulkar’s generous donation would help many who are in need of oxygen. He has donated this money to Mission Oxygen, a fund raising initiative.

Let’s see what Tendulkar wrote:

"The second wave of Covid has put our health-care system under immense pressure. Providing oxygen for the large number of serious COVID patients is the need of the hour," Tendulkar wrote on his twitter handle.

"It is heartening to see how people are rising to the occasion. A group of 250 young entrepreneurs have launched Mission Oxygen to raise funds for importing oxygen concentrators and donating them to hospitals across the country.

"I've helped by contributing to the cause and hope that their effort soon reaches out to many more hospitals across India. Today, we have to stand together behind everyone that is working hard to fight this pandemic."

There was a response from Mission Oxygen too. "His donation of ₹1 crore to 'Mission Oxygen' in its endeavor to procure and provide life-saving oxygen concentrators to hospitals across the nation in this time of need is incredibly heart-warming," read a statement from Mission Oxygen.