Mumbai's star batter Sarfaraz Khan recently married a girl from the Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir. Several pictures and videos showcasing newlywed Khan elegantly dressed in a black Sherwani have surfaced online. Khan, who plays for franchise Delhi Capitals in the Indian Premier League, reportedly participated in a jovial interaction with a local media outlet, where he said it was "his destiny to get married in Kashmir". "If the Almighty has destined, I will play for India one day," the 25-year-old, who has been time and again ignored by the selectors despite scoring consistently in the domestic circuit, said. 

Check below viral pictures of Sarfaraz Khan and his Kashmiri wife 

It seems like the glamorous stage of IPL has now become the sole determinant for young aspiring players to get a chance to play for India. This has been the case with Sarfaraz Khan, who is yet to receive a maiden call up in India's Test team despite scoring heavily in domestic circuit.

In his 2022-23 Ranji Trophy campaign, Khan scored 556 runs at an average of 92.66 in six matches, laced up with three tons. He scored 982 runs with a jaw-dropping average of 122.75 in the 2021-22 Ranji Trophy season but for some reason maiden India call up has eluded the talented batter for long.

BCCI selectors faced a lot of criticism from fans and experts for ignoring Sarfaraz Khan in India's Test squad for India tour of West Indies, where Rohit Sharma & Co. played a two-match Test series.

Wasim Jaffer in a tweet took a firm stand on the basis of selection for the Test squad: "What’s the need for four openers? (Rohit, Shubman Gill, Gaikwad and Jaiswal) Instead, they could have picked Sarfaraz as extra middle order bat to honour his consistent domestic performances," Jaffer wrote after BCCI announced India's Test team.